Lying Scale Weight

Bodybuilding, Fatburning, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, Uncategorized

Scale weight not where you want it to be? ⤵ 

Reasons your scale weight may be higher:

💩 🚽 – Yes it will make a difference to your weight…sometimes quite dramatically 

🕑 🥘 Meal timing – you simply have more food in your gut because you ate later. 

🗻 Salt (Sodium) – higher amounts of salt will mean you hold on to more water. 

😤 Stress – again water retention. More stress, means more cortisol, means more water. 

👱🏻‍♀Hormones 👀 Ladies it’s completely normal for your scale weight to go UP when you’re on your period (stress response and hormones)

😴 Lazy – be honest with yourself. Have you just become less active?

📝 🥘 Food tracking – Have you been picking and not tracking? 🕵🏻‍♂ Have you miscalculated? Have you introduced new foods that aren’t labeled correctly?

#foodtracking #weightloss #fatloss #iifym #weightwatchersIMG_2158 2

Full leg workout – including warm up and pre activation 

Workout, Workout splits

Bookmark 📚 for full leg workout w/ warm up and activation.
Dynamic warm up

Leg swings front-back

Leg swings side-side

Donkey kicks (glute activator)

Side leg lift (not sure of the name but it’s basically a dog going for a piss movement)

– 15-20 reps x 2-3 sets
Leg extensions

Leg curls

Body weight squats

– 10-12 reps x 2-3 sets
Okay now the warm up is done.
Barbell back squats 8-10 reps

Calf extensions 12-15 reps

X4 sets – last set of squats drop set till you drop
Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts 10-12 reps

Barbell front squats 8-10 reps

X4 sets
Neutral stance leg press 8-10 reps

Leg curls 10-12 reps

X4 sets
Narrow stance leg press 8-10 reps

Leg extensions 10-12 reps

Leg raises 12-15 reps

X4 sets
Plate weighted quad static hold 45-60 sec
Forearm wrist curls 15-20 reps

Cable crunches 15-20 reps

X4 sets

Fitness Nanny?

About Me, Bodybuilding, Fatburning, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, motivation, Nutrition, Sleep, Uncategorized, Wellbeing, Workout, Workout splits

In my years of being a personal trainer I have come across a variety of different clients and situations, from Kidney replacement surgery to Working 70 hour weeks.

Some situations need more than just a 1-2 hours a day or training and nutrition guidance. Which is where I this “Fitness Nannying” service. This is where I stay in my clients accommodation or get to their homes early so I can take them through their workouts and prepare theirs meals.

I start off with establishing their goals and commitments, weather thats to long hours in work, commitments to activities and hobbies, family and friends or all of the above.

Next, their routine. Working out if it needs to be adjusted, streamlined or just organised better.

I then prepare and plan the meals that fit in conjunction to there goals and lifestyle. For example if my client a little amount of time in the morning a smoothie that they can take with them on there morning commute might be better than a meal.

I make sure that I include a variety of training methods and equipment to keep the sessions entertaining and different each time. The sessions can also be taken anywhere from home gyms to the local park.

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Also as a Nanny I undertake chores and responsibilities around the house/apartment e.g Cleaning, Walking dogs, Laundry (all the usual nanny responsibilities).

Thats basically how I became a ‘Fitness Nanny” I can tell you its a very rewarding job, taking anyone through their fitness journey and seeing their progress develop and there self confidence increase is extremely rewarding, but living with that person for family is just that bit more personal which amplifies that rewarding feeling.

Liebster Award Nomination

About Me, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, Uncategorized, Wellbeing

Elizabeth, from, nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you I really enjoy doing these, its a fun way to get a insight into someone else life and personality! Much appreciated!

The rules for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers who you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own


My answers to the questions Elizabeth gave me:
If you could spend a year anywhere on earth, where would it be?

Probably not what most people would like, but I would spend a year in a remote Artic camp somewhere out in the wild. I really like the remoteness and extreme environments…as long as I have a gym of course.

What do you love most about your life right now?

I love the capability of being able to help others and being able to make a living from it, weather that is helping someone to live a healthier life style as a online coach and personal trainer or save a life as a firefighter.

What is your favorite healthy meal?

I’m pretty simple when it comes to healthy meals, my favourite has to be a chicken stir fry or broccoli, chicken and sweet potato.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Noisy eaters!

Who do you most respect and/or want to be like (living or dead)?

This is a hard question for me, there are so many people I respect but I don’t think I would want to be like them. If I was I wouldn’t be me, I would like to be as driven as Martyn Luthar King, as disciplined as Bruce Lee, as imaginative as Walt Disney, as smart as Louis Pasteur and as ambitious as Christopher columbus.

Do you listen to music while you work out? If so, what style?

Oh boy do I!! I listen to a lot of different music whilst I workout my main choices are Podcasts on the apple Podcast app – “Tiesto, Trap, AOKI’s House, Hardwell On Air, AVICII” then when I’m doing cardio if its LISS – “Stuff you should know, Stuff to blow your mind, Scifi Friday”

What is your favorite smell?

Cinnamon and apple. This reminds me of Christmas and cozying up by the fire whilst its raining and cold outside.

When you have a bad day, what cheers you up?

A hard intense workout, this gets rid of all the stress and frustrations.

What is an obstacle you have personally overcome in your life?

I am dyslexic, which is one reason why i started to blog to help myself improve, I still struggle with some day to day things, but I have overcome a lot of things that I would normally be limited to because of my dyslexia.

Do you have any pets?

Nope, have done in the past but at the moment I simply don’t have the time.

What instrument would you play, if you could play anything?

Guitar, I love the sound of a guitar and the few simple chords that i do know, i really enjoy having a chill out in the sun and Jamming away.



Thank you for those questions Elizabeth 😀

and last, but not least, my nominees:


Questions to my nominees:


  1. If you could be a Superhero or Super-villain, Who would you be?
  2. What do you love most about the world?
  3. What is your favorite form exercise?
  4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  5. If you could spend a day in someone else’s life who would it be (living or dead)?
  6. What is your favourite pre-workout song?
  7. What is your favourite sight?
  8. What makes a good day for you?
  9. What is your favourite feature on your body?
  10. Who do you appreciate most in your life right now?
  11. What would you tell yourself if you could travel back in time?


Have a great day guys! BD


The Best Workout Split

Bodybuilding, Fatburning, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, Workout, Workout splits

Push, pull, legs or chest and back, shoulders and arms there is no one gym split that works for every one but this article will help you create the best one for you!

So the easiest way to tell you how to create your split is to tell you how I designed mine. 

Day 1 Chest and back

Day 2 Shoulders and legs 

Day 3 Arms, abs 


7th day I will focus on my lagging points 

1.Notice in my split I’m not going by days of the week, if you miss a day you will be missing that muscle group for a longer period so do the split by day numbers not days of the week!

2. I know that Day 3 I finish work at 9pm so doing large muscle groups then would be silly as it would be half asses and I would be getting my full potential out of the workout. So base your split around things in your life that you can’t change. All those memes that say gym is my life are just memes we all have to have a life and career around the gym. (Also arms are a strong point of mine so if I’m tried its not as bad as half assing a shoulder day for example)

3. I am currently preparing for my men’s physique competition on July so I have paired large muscle groups together (chest and back, shoulder and legs) doing this burns ALOT of calories and makes your workouts very intense, especially if you superset the body parts. For muscle gain and fat loss I think this the a very efficient workout split. If you were looking for more strength then a push, pull, legs might suit you better. I would stay away from Monday-chest Tuesday-Back ect for reasons explained in the next bullet point.

4. You’ll also notice that I’m training each body part at LEAST two times a week that’s because protein synthesis keeps going in the muscles for 24-48 hours, and as a natural athlete I want that to be happening in my muscle as much as possible! ( if your on steroids protein synthesis lasts longer in the muscles ) 

5. There’s no cardio?! My cardio at the moment is 6 days a week, you won’t see it on my workout split because I have a separate split for it. Also when I’m training my clients I do cardio with them sometimes so it can be hard to track.

6. What’s up with the 7th day? The 7th day is for me to use on lagging points, for me I want to build up my shoulders, legs and calfs a lot more so generally I use it for that but also upper chest as well. 


Tailor your split to your life and prior commitments. Include a day for priority training for those lagging points and most importantly train the muscles frequently!