Fitness Nanny?

About Me, Bodybuilding, Fatburning, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, motivation, Nutrition, Sleep, Uncategorized, Wellbeing, Workout, Workout splits

In my years of being a personal trainer I have come across a variety of different clients and situations, from Kidney replacement surgery to Working 70 hour weeks.

Some situations need more than just a 1-2 hours a day or training and nutrition guidance. Which is where I this “Fitness Nannying” service. This is where I stay in my clients accommodation or get to their homes early so I can take them through their workouts and prepare theirs meals.

I start off with establishing their goals and commitments, weather thats to long hours in work, commitments to activities and hobbies, family and friends or all of the above.

Next, their routine. Working out if it needs to be adjusted, streamlined or just organised better.

I then prepare and plan the meals that fit in conjunction to there goals and lifestyle. For example if my client a little amount of time in the morning a smoothie that they can take with them on there morning commute might be better than a meal.

I make sure that I include a variety of training methods and equipment to keep the sessions entertaining and different each time. The sessions can also be taken anywhere from home gyms to the local park.

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Also as a Nanny I undertake chores and responsibilities around the house/apartment e.g Cleaning, Walking dogs, Laundry (all the usual nanny responsibilities).

Thats basically how I became a ‘Fitness Nanny” I can tell you its a very rewarding job, taking anyone through their fitness journey and seeing their progress develop and there self confidence increase is extremely rewarding, but living with that person for family is just that bit more personal which amplifies that rewarding feeling.

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