Liebster Award Nomination

About Me, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, Uncategorized, Wellbeing

Elizabeth, from, nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you I really enjoy doing these, its a fun way to get a insight into someone else life and personality! Much appreciated!

The rules for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers who you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own


My answers to the questions Elizabeth gave me:
If you could spend a year anywhere on earth, where would it be?

Probably not what most people would like, but I would spend a year in a remote Artic camp somewhere out in the wild. I really like the remoteness and extreme environments…as long as I have a gym of course.

What do you love most about your life right now?

I love the capability of being able to help others and being able to make a living from it, weather that is helping someone to live a healthier life style as a online coach and personal trainer or save a life as a firefighter.

What is your favorite healthy meal?

I’m pretty simple when it comes to healthy meals, my favourite has to be a chicken stir fry or broccoli, chicken and sweet potato.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Noisy eaters!

Who do you most respect and/or want to be like (living or dead)?

This is a hard question for me, there are so many people I respect but I don’t think I would want to be like them. If I was I wouldn’t be me, I would like to be as driven as Martyn Luthar King, as disciplined as Bruce Lee, as imaginative as Walt Disney, as smart as Louis Pasteur and as ambitious as Christopher columbus.

Do you listen to music while you work out? If so, what style?

Oh boy do I!! I listen to a lot of different music whilst I workout my main choices are Podcasts on the apple Podcast app – “Tiesto, Trap, AOKI’s House, Hardwell On Air, AVICII” then when I’m doing cardio if its LISS – “Stuff you should know, Stuff to blow your mind, Scifi Friday”

What is your favorite smell?

Cinnamon and apple. This reminds me of Christmas and cozying up by the fire whilst its raining and cold outside.

When you have a bad day, what cheers you up?

A hard intense workout, this gets rid of all the stress and frustrations.

What is an obstacle you have personally overcome in your life?

I am dyslexic, which is one reason why i started to blog to help myself improve, I still struggle with some day to day things, but I have overcome a lot of things that I would normally be limited to because of my dyslexia.

Do you have any pets?

Nope, have done in the past but at the moment I simply don’t have the time.

What instrument would you play, if you could play anything?

Guitar, I love the sound of a guitar and the few simple chords that i do know, i really enjoy having a chill out in the sun and Jamming away.



Thank you for those questions Elizabeth 😀

and last, but not least, my nominees:


Questions to my nominees:


  1. If you could be a Superhero or Super-villain, Who would you be?
  2. What do you love most about the world?
  3. What is your favorite form exercise?
  4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  5. If you could spend a day in someone else’s life who would it be (living or dead)?
  6. What is your favourite pre-workout song?
  7. What is your favourite sight?
  8. What makes a good day for you?
  9. What is your favourite feature on your body?
  10. Who do you appreciate most in your life right now?
  11. What would you tell yourself if you could travel back in time?


Have a great day guys! BD