Where should we focus health + fitness?

About Me, Bodybuilding, Fatburning, Fitness, Gym, Health, Lean Muscle, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Wellbeing, Workout

It’s a bit of a strange question I know, but this is a subject that’s close to my heart. Obviously you all know I love the gym and building a better physique each day, but there is so much more that weight training can be used for.

In the UK alone hundreds of thousands of elderly people aren’t able to do the basic things like get out of a chair, walk to the shops, pick themselves off the ground. As a fire fighter I see this at its worst. Not long ago we were call to a elderly ladies house, she had fallen off her chair, hit her head and been sat on the ground for 3 hours before trying to contact the emergency services. She had lost control of her bladder and was very embarrassed. 

This lady is a classic example of someone who has been neglecting health and fitness. Yes she ate fairly well but because she hadn’t don’t much exercise apart from the occasional walk to the shops. Her body had stop retaining muscle. If she had simply carried on with some for of sport and some weight bearing exercise her situation could have been completely different.

Is it to late? Not at all! There has been tests carried out with elderly candidates and in just 12 weeks the elderly increased there strength and muscle mass by a 1/3 now that’s pretty crazy!
So granny powerlifting then? Nope! Although it would be impressive to see a OAP doing some clean and jerks, it would be pretty dangerous. Joints and bones are more delicate. In these experiments the exercises were simple, isolation, compound and body weight. 

Why if in 12 weeks we can turn someone’s life around, up the quality of life ten fold and help the older generations, why is the focus on six pack abs and big butts? 


Sadly that’s what makes the world go round, sure I see its a business and those businesses want to be able to advertise the most “attractive” and “eye catching” things.

So why write this post? – if one person reads this and decides to either help the elderly or makes them aware of the benefits of lifting and exercising. I’m happy! Awareness and knowledge! 

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